Your questions answered!


There’s no time like the present!
  • Buyers who are ready are trawling the internet constantly. It’s not as seasonal as you think.
  • Although the post-pandemic fever has worn off, sale prices remain steady. This is down to the relative price of new boats, a low volume of available boats on the market, and a lower propensity for buying overseas (given the 20% import tax on 2nd hand yachts)
  • Selling now means you have time to find what you want for the following season.
  • If you need to sell before you buy – time is of the essence, as you’ll miss all the good, well-maintained boats that come on. They get snapped up by those ready to pounce!
  • The sooner you sell, the sooner the bills stop!


Any time!
  • Bear in mind that a purchase process normally takes 28 days when a survey is involved.
  • Logic would have some wait until the spring, to avoid winter storage costs, but our advice would be to allow plenty of time.
  • Finding both the right boat for you, plus the sometimes lengthy buying process, takes time.
  • Buying before the new season gives you time to prepare your boat the way you want it.
  • Surveys may advise remedial works that can be completed over the Winter.
  • How long are you going to wait, and what will you miss in the meantime?
  • Frantically looking for a boat – just before the season kicks off – is not a good idea.

We are here to help and advise.

Drop us an email or better still – call for a chat!

Yacht and Motor Boat Brokers Since 1976

We are a professional yacht and motor boat broking service with decades of experience and generations of passion.